OPC Spotlight: RISeR SF Bay — Resilient Infrastructure as Seas Rise



The Challenge:  Using the right science

The Solution:  RISeR SF Bay — Resilient Infrastructure as Seas Rise


How Did They Do It?

RISeR SF Bay is a National Science Foundation-funded, silo-busting sea level rise project, headquartered at UC Berkeley. It is aimed at developing new scientific knowledge that will be highly useful for sea level rise planners and decision-makers. RISeR is focused on helping the Bay Area develop regional approaches to issues confronting SF Bay, including hydrodynamics, the transportation network, and governance.

The first phase of the hydrodynamics work created state-of-the-art modeling for SF Bay showing how sea level rise protection projects built in one county would increase water levels and flooding in nearby counties. RISeR is demonstrating that regionalism isn’t just a good idea — regional collaboration and decision-making on sea level rise will be required to protect and enhance critical infrastructure, human health and natural systems. It is also showing how local cities might organize themselves for collaborative planning.

Similarly, in RISeR’s transportation modeling, the team is showing how flooding of a local segment of a single freeway can produce far-reaching traffic impacts on other sections of the Bay Area transportation network. Again, regional collaboration will be needed to address these regional issues.

In the governance area, RISeR is studying the complex network of actors engaged in Bay Area sea level rise planning and making recommendations for steps to develop help develop and enhance regional decision-making. This work also includes polling and other methods to better understand public knowledge and viewpoints on sea level rise solutions for the region.

Who Made This Happen?

The RISeR team includes engineers from UC Berkeley, transportation experts from New York University Abu Dhabi, political scientists from UC Davis, and ocean and sea level rise experts from USGS. A stakeholder advisory group from the Bay Area’s public, private and non-profit sectors provides important input and feedback for the project.

How is it Funded?

RISeR SF Bay is funded by the National Science Foundation

Where Can I Find Out More?

RISeR SF Bay — Resilient Infrastructure as Seas Rise