Circular Economy Local Resolution and Resources



Climate Equity Policy Center




This model resolution from the Climate Equity Policy Center, along with the accompanying memo and factsheets, is designed to help local governments, advocates, and community members use policy to begin the transition to a circular economy that bolsters resiliency and promotes equity. This resource details how a circular economy reduces carbon emissions, waste, pollution, and resource use , and further how they can support environmental justice by reducing toxins and contaminants, particularly when policies prioritize reducing pollution in over-burdened communities. This is a foundational resource for municipalities interested in advancing policies to promote equitable climate solutions.

Climate Impact Tags

Drought Extreme heat Extreme storms Flooding Ocean acidification Sea level rise Snowpack Temperature Wildfire

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 2: Assess Vulnerability Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies

Resource Type Tags

Communication or educational material Planning and policy guidance Project or example


Extent: California


Last updated: Dec. 4, 2024