Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the Site

The Search page allows a user to access all resources in the database, searchable by region, topic, resource type, planning phase, and agency. The Case Studies, Resource by Topic, and Tools & Data pages are shortcuts to curated searches based on the information of interest.

Watch our three-minute video to learn how to navigate and use the California State Adaptation Clearinghouse.

If you are a planner embarking on climate adaptation and resiliency strategies for your jurisdiction, you should begin by familiarizing yourself with the online Adaptation Planning Guide tool, which lays out a step-by step-process for doing so. You should then explore the resources under Case Studies, Resources By Topic, Tools & Data, and use the Search All Resources pages to find resources specific to your needs based on location, climate impacts, planning phase, and more.

While this site is geared towards regional planning, it can be useful to anyone looking for resources relevant to adaptation and resiliency such as communication and educational materials, tools, data, and scientific studies. Additionally, the site includes examples in settings other than cities or regions such as schools, and in topics of interest such as agriculture, biodiversity and habitat, forests, etc.

Site Feedback

At the top of the webpage is a button to submit a resource, case study, or any other feedback for consideration to the ICARP team, using this link. Please email with any questions.

You may use the same link as mentioned above, or you may email

Searching the Database

When you enter search terms into the search bar (i.e., "sea level rise plan"), the database queries the tags and descriptions assigned to each resource by OPR staff. The search bar is NOT conducting a full-text search across the resources.

The clearinghouse database was designed to provide users with a curated set of resources, relevant to specific questions or areas of need. During site-development, OPR found that providing a full-text search diluted the search results, diminishing the utility of the database. For example, full-text search results do not distinguish resources that included a search term once versus a resource that substantively addresses the topic. Future enhancements to the Adaptation Clearinghouse may include a full-text search option as an advanced search feature.

The filters correspond to the tags that are used to organize the resources in the database. Tags are assigned by knowledgeable staff after carefully reviewing each resource before it is entered into the database.

The Public Agencies filter enables a user to search for resources developed by Federal, State, Local, or Tribal governments.

Tags are keywords that are assigned to each resource. Tags are grouped into categories, such as “climate impact”, “topic”, and “resource type”, etc. As an example, the category “Topic” includes the tags “public health”, “transportation”, “water”, etc. The full back-end database includes 24 different categories, with over a hundred unique tags. Many of these categories are visible to users on the front end of the site, however all categories and tags are searchable using the “search bar” (see also search bar question above). Download the full list of categories and tags used in the database.

How to Search

Watch the tutorial video or review the tips to maximize the database search capabilities and find the resources you’re looking for.

  • Check one or more options under the Filters to refine your search results
  • Click on an area in the Map below to filter results by County or Geographic Region
  • Use Sort By to order the results by publication date, author or other options
  • Enter one or more keywords separated by a space in the Search box such as air quality or infrastructure. To search for an exact match, put a phrase inside quotes like "sea the future" or "building resilient infrastructure".