SB1 Case Study: Resilient SLO



City of San Luis Obispo




This case study details how the City of San Luis Obispo and partners used a Caltrans SB 1 Adaptation Planning Grant to cultivate a comprehensive, innovative, and community-led planning process called Resilient SLO. The City's Resilient SLO initiative resulted in an Updated Safety Element of the General Plan, in compliance with SB-379; a Hazards and Vulnerabilities Report that assessed the vulnerabilities, risks, and opportunities of localized climate change impacts; a Local Policy Audit that reviewed existing City adaptation plans, programs and policies; a State Law Compliance Timeline that identified local policy and planning requirements; a Community Resilience Vision to serve as a guiding document for the city’s adaptation priorities; an in-depth Capacity and Coordination Assessment for city staff and leadership; and a Recommendations Memo that outlined best practices of integrating adaptation priorities into city-wide strategic planning and operations.

Climate Impact Tags

Drought Extreme heat Extreme storms Flooding Sea level rise Temperature Wildfire

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 1: Define, Explore, and Initiate Phase 2: Assess Vulnerability Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies Phase 4: Implement, Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust

Resource Type Tags

ICARP Case Study


Extent: San Luis Obispo


Last updated: Sept. 8, 2024