California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)
California’s Climate Change Assessments contribute to the scientific foundation for understanding climate-related vulnerability at the local scale and informing resilience actions, while also directly informing State policies, plans, programs, and guidance, to promote effective and integrated action to safeguard California from climate change. California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, released in 2018, provides information to build resilience to climate impacts, including temperature, wildfire, water, sea level rise, and governance. This cutting-edge research initiative is comprised of a wide-ranging body of technical reports, including rigorous, comprehensive climate change scenarios at a scale suitable for illuminating regional vulnerabilities and localized adaptation strategies in California; datasets and tools that improve integration of observed and projected knowledge about climate change into decision making; and recommendations and information to directly inform vulnerability assessments and adaptation strategies for California’s energy sector, water resources and management, oceans and coasts, forests, wildfires, agriculture, biodiversity and habitat, and public health. The Fourth Assessment is the first inter-agency effort to implement a substantial portion of the Climate Change Research Plan, which articulates near-term climate change research needs to ensure that the state stays on track to meet its climate goals. The State has completed three prior Climate Change Assessments.
Climate Impact Tags
Adaptation Planning Guide Phases
Resource Type Tags
Extent: California
Last updated: Sept. 8, 2024