SB1 Case Study: Building Climate Adaptation into Statewide GHG Toolkit



Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD)




This case study documents how the Sacramento Air Quality Management District and partners updated the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) and its companion document, The Handbook for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and Advancing Health Equity. A core focus of the project was to integrate climate vulnerability, adaptation, equity, and public health into both tools, alongside other updates to their rigorous quantification methodologies and the addition of new emissions mitigation strategies. These tools assist local agencies to reduce GHG and air pollutant emissions for new land use projects and plans, through mitigation measures for building energy, transportation and vehicle miles traveled (VMT), water, waste, and other sectors. With these updates, the tools will enable a more holistic consideration of climate and equity in land use planning and development. For example, users can determine if a proposed future housing project is in a wildfire risk zone or an under-served community, with recommended strategies to address both. These tools have a statewide footprint, and can benefit communities across California in developing land use projects as well as grant proposals.

Climate Impact Tags

Drought Extreme heat Flooding Sea level rise Wildfire

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 2: Assess Vulnerability Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies

Resource Type Tags

Data and tools ICARP Case Study Planning and policy guidance


Extent: California


Last updated: April 27, 2024