2016 City of Monterey Sea Level Rise and Vulnerability Analyses – Existing Conditions and Issues



City of Monterey




The 2016 City of Monterey Sea Level Rise and Vulnerability Analyses – Existing Conditions and Issues report was developed by Revell Coastal, LLC and EMC Planning Group for The City of Monterey. The report provides a science based assessment that includes extensive field data gathering, and compilation of existing information to help the understand the threat of climate-induced coastal hazards. The report is a detailed sector based assessment of the impacts of coastal hazards and sea level rise. This assessment was specifically designed as a first step in completing the Local Coastal Program (LCP) requirements. It consists of a planning horizon that forecasts future climate impacts, a vulnerability assessment and sector profiles, and adaptation suggestions in response to adverse effects of climate change.

Climate Impact Tags

Flooding Sea level rise Temperature

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 2: Assess Vulnerability Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies

Resource Type Tags

Assessment Plan or strategy


Extent: Monterey, Monterey County


Last updated: Dec. 4, 2024