Safeguarding California Plan: 2018 Update



California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)




The current state adaptation plan is Safeguarding California, which specifies integrated state adaptation strategies for a variety of strategic sector areas. Safeguarding California Plan: 2018 Update establishes a vision for the state and identifies principles, goals, and policies primarily directed to state agencies' programmatic and policy responses in specific policy areas. Safeguarding California provides a holistic overview of California state government’s current and planned efforts to address the ongoing and forthcoming impacts of climate change. These detailed ongoing actions and next steps advance resiliency to climate change alongside the State’s efforts to coordinate and support climate adaptation at the local and regional level. Safeguarding California also establishes a critical role for California’s local and regional government agencies. California first developed a State Adaptation Strategy in 2009, which was subsequently updated in 2014 and 2018, and will continue to be updated every three years thereafter.

Climate Impact Tags

Drought Extreme heat Extreme storms Flooding Ocean acidification Sea level rise Snowpack Temperature Wildfire

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 1: Define, Explore, and Initiate Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies

Resource Type Tags

Plan or strategy Planning and policy guidance


Extent: California


Last updated: Dec. 4, 2024