Climate Resilience Plan Alignment Toolkit



California Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR)




The Toolkit is a suite of collaboration tools for local government staff and decision-makers, tribes and tribal-serving organizations, community members and non-profits, regional entities, and others to coordinate and align local and regional resilience planning efforts. The toolkit is designed to accelerate climate adaptation at the local and regional level, and provides a menu of tools and best practices for communities to use while meeting local planning requirements, balancing multiple planning priorities, conducting risk and vulnerability assessments, advancing equitable outcomes and community engagement, and seeking funding to plan and implement solutions.

Climate Impact Tags

Extreme storms Flooding Sea level rise Wildfire

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 1: Define, Explore, and Initiate Phase 2: Assess Vulnerability Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies Phase 4: Implement, Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust

Resource Type Tags

Communication or educational material Data and tools Planning and policy guidance


Extent: California


Last updated: Feb. 18, 2025