SB1 Case Study: Central Coast Highway 1 Climate Resiliency Study



Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG)




The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG), in conjunction with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Center for Blue Economy (CBE), prepared a climate resiliency study for the Central Coast Highway 1 corridor. This study provides a conceptual climate change adaptation transportation planning foundation for integration into the AMBAG Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS). This effort identified transportation improvements and sea level rise adaptation strategies for Highway 1 that can improve transportation mobility, safety and efficiency, promote healthy habitats, and provide economic security and benefits to the local community. The goal is that the completed plan will lead to implementation and development of adaptation projects, by being incorporated into local and regional plans.

Climate Impact Tags

Extreme storms Flooding Sea level rise

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 2: Assess Vulnerability Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies

Resource Type Tags

ICARP Case Study


Extent: Monterey County


Last updated: Sept. 8, 2024